Enquire today about our live financial wellness webinars which are customised to your business!
Tailor a programme in order to get the most appropriate topics to your employees as soon as possible.
Thanks to our online employee financial wellness survey we can assist in finding out exactly where your employees are struggling and prioritise the right webinars for them.
Below are a few of the webinars we offer.
Breaking the pay-cheque-to-pay-cheque cycle
Get an introduction to our financial wellness approach and learn how to change your behaviour.
Setting up your zero-sum budget
Learn what a zero-sum budget is, why it is important to budget this way and how to implement your own zero-sum budget.
Understanding and managing your debt
Learn the difference between good and bad debt together with how to create a debt snowball that will allow you to manage your and reduce your debt.
Compiling your financial action plan
Understand the importance of a Financial Action Plan, get the Smart Money framework and learn how to complete your own plan.
Learn how to save money
Understand what a where you can save money, why it is important, and how you can start saving.
Buying a Car and Home
Learn what factors to consider when buying a car and house in order to minimise your financial risk and reduce your debt.
Improving your Credit Score
Learn what a credit score is, why it is important, what affects your score, how to get your score and how to improve it.
Understanding personal insurance risk
Learn about the importance of Life Insurance, Income Protection and Dread Disease Cover and understand when you need them.
Understanding medical aid and why it is different to health insurance
Learn about the different aspects of medical aids and how this differs from medical insurance.
Starters guide to Investing
Learn about the different types of investments, what to look out for and how to get professional advice.
Planning for Retirement
Understand how much you need to retire “financially well” , how to start saving and how compound interest works.
Learn how to Save Money
Get the Smart Money Savings Template, learn how to manage your budget and use saving tools available to you.
Estate Planning and where to start
Understand the importance of Last Wills and Testaments and learn the Estate Planning basics.
Understanding your Personal Tax obligations
Learn the basic tax obligations as an individual, when you need to pay tax and how to go about doing it.
What you need to know about Funeral Plans
Understand what you need to know about Funeral Plans and what to look out for.